+251 11 557 1335

About us

JAMBO IMPEX PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY is a foremost import company in ETHIOPIA. We provide a supply chain intelligence report of JAMBO IMPEX PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY that covers company profile, top imports, foreign suppliers, ports used, etc. The Import data of JAMBO IMPEX PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY is driven from ETHIOPIA import marine time database, government authorities, and other sources of the ETHIOPIA. We update data regularly and provide latest and updated Import Data.

We provide an online customized ETHIOPIA Importers Data dashboard where traders can analyse competitors, ETHIOPIA importers, overseas suppliers and exporters, top imported products, importing partners etc. JAMBO IMPEX PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY can analyse trade relations and sourcing for buyers by time like monthly, yearly.

About us

Jambo Food and Beverage PLC is one of the companies under Jambo Group which is operating in Ethiopia.
